Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel) Read online

Page 4

  “Jack,” Colin said, “let me introduce you to Madeline Gilmore.”

  It clicked and my face must have been priceless because the woman giggled. “My pleasure,” was all I got out as I extended a hand.

  “You look surprised Mr. Francis.”

  “Please, it’s just Jack.”

  “I’m sorry Jack, it’s just I heard my father calling you Mr. Francis so I guess it’s programmed in.”

  If I showed surprise before I would have hated to see my face now. Madeline’s appearance was definitely not a coincidence.

  Chapter 13

  Jimmy stuck his head out from the back room of Charles Beard’s shop. “What was that about?”

  “I’m not sure. Have you found anything back there yet?”

  “Alex, do you really believe that Beard was dumb enough to leave it stashed here?”

  “No I don’t. Slimeball’s probably got it on him.”

  “Then why are we still here?”

  “Jimmy, we are being careful now because you weren’t before. If you tried to be more thorough in your work then we wouldn’t be here at all, understand?”

  “Yeah whatever, I messed up. Now get off my back. Who were those two guys anyways?”

  Alex still held Jack Francis’s business card in her hand twirling it between her fingers as she sat on Beard’s desk. “Not sure.”


  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Hired thugs then?”

  “No Jimmy, you’re already here.”

  “Well they sure as hell weren’t antique collectors, so what then?”

  “They weren’t cops but they felt like it. Still, I’m pretty sure they weren’t. The one that never said a word felt like a Fed, but not this Jack Francis.” She held the business card for Jimmy to see.

  “Oh yeah, what was he then?”

  “Something more, he was a little too debonair to be with the Feds, but he could be in the private sector.”

  “Maybe the boss man hired them too.”

  “I doubt it Jimmy.”

  “But maybe,” Jimmy got excited trying to figure out who the men where.

  “Yeah maybe, but we need to know more.”

  Alex could hear Jimmy rummaging for something and then stopped. “There ain’t nothing here. Let’s go over to Beard’s house and tear it apart. If he’s there we can make him squirm a little bit too.”

  “Not so fast. Remember we are being careful. Sometimes I feel like I am babysitting you.”

  “Shut it Alex.”

  Ignoring Jimmy’s bark and his threatening face, Alex continued talking mostly to herself. “I need to do some research on Jack Francis and his partner before we move too quickly.” Alex flipped the card over looking at the cell phone number handwritten on the back.

  “Research huh?” Jimmy questioned, looking over her shoulder at the number.

  “Go home, but keep yourself available. I still might need you tonight.”

  “To go see Mr. Beard?” Jimmy got excited at the thought of confronting the man.

  “Maybe, but don’t move unless I call you, and stay sober.”

  “Fine, I’ll be at my apartment.” Jimmy stormed off through the back. Alex really did feel like she was babysitting him sometimes.

  Chapter 14

  Madeline had seen the brunette leave Charles Beard’s shop and got out of her car to follow her, but her instincts told her differently. Suddenly she found herself walking into the bar, sitting down next to Jack and Colin. It wasn’t something she had thought through, just something that happened. She still wondered where the brunette was headed, but everyone always told her to follow your instincts and you would find what you need, even if it wasn’t what you wanted.

  “Interesting to see you here Madeline,” Colin said. “I didn’t realize that this was one of your normal haunts.”

  “I don’t get on this side of town very often, but I saw the two of you walk in so I figured I would say hi.”

  “Just happened to be in the neighborhood?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I thought maybe you had been sitting outside in your car watching over Beard’s store,” Jack interjected into the conversation. His tone was obviously not in the mood for games.

  “Now that just sounds boring. I was in the neighborhood shopping in a few of the boutiques.” Madeline lit up a sly and seductive smile that would make anyone believe what she was saying.

  “Cut the crap. We both know you overheard your father and me talking the other day. Not to mention that before I left your house I actually saw you eavesdropping on me and Douglas.”

  “You’re very observant Jack. What is it you do for a living?”

  “I collect bottle blondes.”

  “That’s too bad mine is natural,” Madeline said tossing her ponytail.

  “And not quite blonde.”

  “Like I said, you’re a very observant man Jack, but with some time and a little training I’m sure I could get you past my hair.”

  “With you, it’s not the hair that turns me off.”

  “Aren’t we feisty today?”

  “I just don’t like being played. It’s a turn off.”

  “Alright, will you two cut it out?” Colin interrupted Jack and Madeline’s little game. “You both are annoying the piss out of me. I could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife.”

  “Fine,” Madeline said. She had decided it was time to start playing it straight anyhow. These two had information she wanted and it would be a shame if they cut her off from it. “Well if we’re all going to be straight with each other, why don’t one of you fill me in on the brunette and the Italian-for-hire across the street at Beard’s.”

  “What Italian?” Jack began to say when it dawned on him. “That must have been the noise coming from the back of the store. The stock boy Alex called him.”

  “Alex? Is that the woman?” Madeline asked.

  “Yeah,” Jack answered. He was about to explain what happened in the store when his phone vibrated across the bar top. The caller ID read private.

  Chapter 15

  “Jack Francis here,” I answered my phone after waiting a few seconds, watching it vibrate its way across the bar.

  “Mr. Francis, its Alex from Charles Beard’s office. I hope you haven’t forgotten me already.”

  I was a little caught off guard but I recovered well. “No, not at all. Did Mr. Beard receive my message yet?”

  “No he hasn’t been in yet.”

  “Well then,” I was amused with our little game. Funny considering I nearly bit off Madeline’s head for doing the same thing. Maybe one woman playing games was all I could handle, and Madeline shouldn’t be playing games when I was trying to help her sister. “What can I do for you Alex?”

  “Is your offer still available?”

  “What offer might that be?”

  “I’m pretty sure you offered to take me out for drinks tonight.”

  “I’m not sure I said that, Alex.”

  “It was something like that.” She was playing cute using a flirtatious voice with a small hint of a giggle. I was shocked she had it in her.

  “Well if that’s the case I couldn’t say no.”

  “Great, I can’t wait. I’ll meet you at the Clevelander around 7:00.”

  “I’ll be there.” The phone clicked off and I slipped the cell into my pocket.

  “What was that about?” Colin asked.

  “I’m meeting someone for drinks at 7:00.”

  “You’re joking?”

  “Nope,” I smiled at him. A big grin that screamed, How do you like me now?

  “How do these things manage to happen to you?”

  “Lucky I guess,” still grinning from ear to ear.

  “She’s going to kill you in your sleep you know.”

  “Come on Colin don’t be so harsh. She’s probably a really sweet girl.”

  “Who are you two talking about?” Madeline finally had enough
and wanted to be part of the conversation.

  “Alex,” I answered. My smile disappeared and turned into a look that said, “Who else?”

  “The woman from Beard’s shop,” Colin added.

  “You have got to be kidding,” Madeline seemed actually appalled at the idea.

  “It’s for research. I’ve got to find out who she is and who she’s working for.”

  “Jack,” Madeline said. “Do you really believe that she’ll just spill her guts to you?”

  “Believe it or not he has his ways,” Colin said rolling his eyes. I just chuckled into my beer.

  “Well then, Jack Francis,” Madeline got up from her stool, “I believe I underestimated you.”

  “Where are you going? I thought we were going to exchange information.” I still found all this amusing, but apparently I was the only one because Madeline was headed for the door.

  “We will, but I have decided to hold off until you have finished your research. I would not want to be given only half of the story and I’m sure you’ll do your best to probe her for information.” Sarcasm coated her voice. “By the way, thanks for the drink.” Madeline said goodbye to us with a seductive smile and a toss of her ponytail, and she marched out of the bar and down the street.

  “So now I’m buying for both of you?”

  “Looks like it,” Colin said as he ordered another beer.

  Chapter 16

  When Alex approached the man at the bar she found him of extraordinary good looks. He was a little short though. Really just a man of average height, but Alex usually went for the tall ones. Still, his body seemed firm and athletic-looking and that was a plus. Alex smiled to herself as she sat down on the bar stool next to Jack Francis.

  The Clevelander had emptied out considerably since the after work crowd had packed the place, and with it the heat and noise diminished as well. The space around them was nice and Alex appreciated the room to play her game. It was a game after all. Life usually was but some had higher risks than others. The game with Jack Francis had yet to reveal just how risky it might be.

  “Hello Mr. Francis,” Alex said as the bartender placed a gin and tonic in front of her.

  “Please, just Jack. Come here often do you?” noticing the bartender’s delivery of the unordered drink.

  “Why Jack, are you insinuating that I spend too much time in bars?”

  “Not at all, just this one.”

  They both had a small chuckle at the exchange and found it a convenient way to break the ice. There was a little air of awkwardness about the encounter. Not the type one would find at a first date. On second thought, maybe a little, but mixed in with the atmosphere of two fighters trying to figure out their attack.

  “I am in here quite a bit,” Alex said. “Good place to relax after a hard day.”

  “Antique business rough?” Jack asked, playing along with her ruse.

  “Something like that. So tell me, what do you do Jack? Your business card explains very little.”

  “To be honest I’m not exactly sure what you might call it. An independent consultant maybe the best answer, but still that’s a stretch.”

  “What about private investigator?”

  Nice jab, Jack thought. “Sometimes I am but not usually. I usually prefer work in security consultations for private firms, but then if the price is right, I’ll take anything.”

  Alex knew that most of the information Jack was telling her was worthless. Every bit of it she had already found before she arrived. In fact, it only took one phone call. Nevertheless, he seemed inclined to talk and that was a good thing. “Can I ask you something and get a straight answer Jack?”

  “Only if I can do the same?”

  “Deal, but behave yourself.” Alex smiled at the man with her pouty lips. It was a great distraction of hers. “When you came to Charles Beard’s shop today were you working a case?”

  “Let me just say that I don’t have a clue when it comes to antiques.”

  “And the guy you were with?”

  “You said only one question Alex, remember?”

  “Alright then it’s your turn.”

  “Charles Beard does not have an assistant or anyone else working for him, so what were you doing at his shop today?”

  Alex delayed her response with a sip of her drink. “Since we are being so honest with each other, I can honestly say I was there working.”

  “Except not for Charles Beard.”

  “Something like that,” Alex said shrugging her shoulders.

  “Wow, this conversation is just opening up a whole new world for me.”

  “Easy on the sarcasm, Jack. If you walked in here thinking it was going to be easy then you have me mistaken. I can tell you right now that I’m not that kind of girl. Try working at it a little bit, Jack, and you just might get what you want.”

  “Are we still talking about the same thing?”

  “I hope so,” she said with that seductive smile. “Now, how about you take me to dinner? A girl needs to eat after all.”

  “I can live with that and I think I know just the place.”

  The two got up and Jack threw cash on the bar for the drinks. Alex went out and hailed a cab for the two of them. As the cab pulled away from the curb, a silver Mercedes pulled onto the street behind it and followed a couple of cars back.

  Chapter 17

  Her naked form was highlighted by the moonlight that came in through the parted curtains. The shadows accented Alex’s swaying hips as she sauntered over to the chair in the corner of my bedroom and began to dress. Soft brown curls kissed her bare shoulders and reminded me of the perfect form found on Greek sculptures. I laid there, mesmerized by her nakedness. A pair of dress slacks being pulled up her legs finally broke my stare.

  The woman was trouble, I knew that, but somehow I still ended up in bed with her. I was a sucker and I knew that too. After dinner we had danced lightly around the topic of her life leaving out anything important. When we came back to my place for an after dinner drink I should have seen it for what it was: a distraction. I tried to press hard on a couple of questions, but her response was sex, great sex.

  “It’s not even midnight yet,” I pleaded from the bed. “I am always game for another round.”

  “That’s sweet, but I need to be going.” She was still dressing unfortunately.

  “I’m not asking you to stay over, just stay longer.”

  “You’re such the romantic Jack.”

  “Thanks, but that was nothing more than a pathetic plea for more attention.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’ve had enough. I would hate to leave you over stimulated.” She stood over me in nothing more than pants and high heels, naked on the top. Alex looked at me for a moment then smiling she turned back to reach for her shirt. “This is going to end badly.”

  “For one of us?”

  “For both of us.” The shirt was on now. She was leaving for sure. “We haven’t been open with each other tonight, but I think we’re smart enough to know that Charles Beard has something we’re both after.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “Shut it, Jack. My point is we could be working for the same person but I doubt it. So the only reasonable thing is to assume we are working against each other. That will leave one of us unable to complete the job, maybe both. Either way, it won’t end well.”

  “Say you’ll give it all up for me and then we can go back to bed,” I joked.

  “Jack, what I am trying to say is that no matter how much I enjoyed you in bed, if you get between me and what I am after I will run you through.” The purse was over her shoulder and she was moving to the door.

  “Where are you going Alex?”

  “I’m going home to catch up on some work.” A wicked smile crossed her face. “I’ll see you later Jack. Get some sleep.” She left shutting my bedroom door. I waited for a moment until I heard my front door shut before leaping out of bed and grabbing the clothes that had been tossed to the flo
or earlier.

  Dressed, I raced out of my door to the elevator slamming my finger on the button impatiently. When the doors finally opened, the seconds it took to ride down to the street level seem like hours. An electronic bell sounded my arrival in the lobby of my condo building and I raced from the elevator and out onto the sidewalk. I was just in time to watch a cab turn the corner. Before I even had a chance to figure out my next move, a silver Mercedes came speeding up on the empty street. Pulling up to the curb with a screech, the passenger’s side door swung open and a woman’s voice said, “Get in.” I paused.

  The voice repeated. “Get in,” this time with more authority, “quickly.”

  Chapter 18

  The tires squealed on the black top as the eight-cylinder accelerated down my street and turned the corner to follow the cab. “A subtle exit,” I said looking over at Madeline.

  “Sorry the tires are a little low.”

  “Sure they are. You know, when you are following someone the idea is to not attract attention to yourself.”

  “Really funny guy, I’ve been following you all night and you didn’t seem to notice.”

  “You’ve got a point. Wait, you’ve been following me? Why?”

  “Why does anyone follow anybody?” Madeline smiled. I was left by one beautiful woman and fell into a car with another. What a lucky night. “I was looking for information that might help Chelsea. You figured to be my best lead and now it seems to be working out.”

  “She could just be heading home.” I said to her.

  “I doubt it.”

  “So do I.”

  We traveled in silence for a few minutes crossing the Detroit–Superior Bridge and turned into the Ohio City neighborhood. Large, maple trees lined the narrow streets that were home to old Victorian homes. Many of the houses were being refurbished, while others were still dilapidated and in need of love. We were mere blocks from Charles Beard’s antique shop.